Tuesday 24 January 2017

Best Health Insurance Plans in India

Do you know how many health insurance companies there are presently? There are about 24 and each of these companies offers multiple policies. The market is, thus, flooded with different plans. Each health insurance plan lures a potential customer by boasting of some unique feature. In this scenario, we, as common individuals, feel confused and lost. Which plan to buy? Which plan would ensure the maximum coverage? Which plan would be the cheapest? These and many questions run through our minds. What about you? Do you know how to select the right one?

The right insurance  can be chosen based on your requirements. However, there are certain parameters which are universally applicable in choosing the right health insurance policy. Want to know what they are? Read on:

•The coverage
Though you might be tempted to look at the premium first, you shouldn't. The first consideration, when choosing the right health plan, is the coverage available. There are some basic coverage features which all health insurance plans have. These include in-patient hospitalization, pre-hospitalization, post-hospitalization, day care treatments, ambulance costs, etc. Besides these, there are other coverage features which vary between different plans. Some of these features are exceptional and enhance the scope of coverage. For instance, the auto restore feature restores the Sum Assured if it is exhausted in any year, maternity coverage covers costs related to child-birth, new born baby coverage covers the new-born till the remaining policy year, etc. So, when you are comparing between the different plans, look for the coverage features. Higher the features, the more inclusive would be the coverage provided.
•The premium
Once you are satisfied with the coverage, look at the premium rates. Don't be swayed by lower premium rates. Compare the rates against the coverage granted. Remember, the health insurance plan with higher coverage inclusions would be dearer. Since paying premium is directly proportional to your affordability, choose a plan which has the best scope of coverage and is also affordable.
•The waiting period
If you are suffering from any ailment when buying the health insurance plan those ailments are termed as pre-existing ailments. Such ailments are excluded from the cover for a few years. This period is called the waiting period. Different plans have different waiting periods ranging from 1 year to 4 years. Ideally, the plan with the lowest waiting period should be your preferred choice. It would ensure a faster coverage for you pre-existing illnesses.
•The discounts and bonus
To march ahead of the competition, health plans allow various types of premium discounts. These discounts lower the premium and are, thus, advantageous for you. 
Another concept in a
 health insurance plan is a No Claim Bonus (NCB). If you do not make a claim in any policy year, you are rewarded with this bonus. The NCB either increases the Sum Assured in the subsequent year at the same premium or allows premium discounts. 
Different health insurance plans have different discounts and bonus features. Needless to say, the best health insurance plan would be the one with the maximum of each, wouldn't it?
•The fringe benefits
Did you know that health insurance plans allow free health check-ups once after a few policy years? Some plans also provide a recovery benefit if hospitalization exceeds 10 or 12 days. These are additional benefits provided by health plans. These benefit you and, so, should feature in your consideration when choosing the right plan.
The points mentioned above help you look and that too in the right direction. So, weigh in these factors when choosing the right plan and you won't regret your decision. You may refer to this link http://click2cover.in/

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